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更新时间:2019-12-16 16:24    浏览:
Correct selection of process gas in PP purification tower
工业尾气污染很明显看到,雾,所以在我们的城市越来越严峻。聚丙烯尾气吸收塔填料选用PP原料的鲍尔环或空心球。根据气体吸收进程中气液两相在表面积成正比的原理,因此选用填料来增***两相触摸的比表面积,使两相充分触摸,然后到达吸收或净化尾气的目的。那么,如何挑选正确的尾气处理(chǔ lǐ)进程?
Industrial exhaust pollution is obviously seen in fog, so it is more and more serious in our city. The packing of PP tail gas absorption tower is Bauer ring or hollow ball of PP raw material. According to the principle that the surface area of gas-liquid phase is proportional to that of gas-liquid phase in the process of gas absorption, the filler is selected to increase the specific surface area of two-phase touch, so that the two-phase can be fully touched, and then the purpose of absorption or purification of tail gas is achieved. So, how to select the right process of tail gas treatment (CH ǔ L ǐ)?
废气pp净化塔技能与活炭吸附法、催化焚烧法、催化氧化法、酸(Acerbity)碱中和,LTAOP原理和各种先进的氧化,等离子体的办法。尾气(fèi qì)处理设备喷雾塔选用五重气体吸附过滤净化系统,工业设计,层层净化过滤尾气,尾气处理效果很***。所以如何正确挑选吸收塔工艺气体?环保设备的准则为我们介绍常见的尾气处理进程:
The technology of waste gas PP purification tower includes active carbon adsorption, catalytic incineration, catalytic oxidation, acid alkali neutralization, ltaop principle and various advanced oxidation and plasma methods. Exhaust gas (f I q q) treatment equipment spray tower adopts five heavy gas adsorption filtration purification system, industrial design, layer filtration purification tail gas, exhaust gas treatment effect is very good. So how to select the process gas of absorption tower correctly? The principle of environmental protection equipment introduces the common tail gas treatment process for us:
Correct selection of process gas in PP purification tower
1. One of the removal methods for tail gas treatment
Rule: the more intense the aroma and taste mix, mask the odor, and be received. Scope of application: it is applicable to immediately and temporarily reduce the odor intensity of the odorous gas affected by the low concentration, which is about 2.5. There is no arranged emission source. Advantages: it can quickly eliminate the influence of odor, with low cost. Cons: odor has not been removed.
Second, tail gas dilution diffusion method
Rule: there will be a foul gas passing through the chimney to the atmosphere, or there will be no foul air dilution to reduce the low concentration of odorous substances. Scope of application: it is applicable to the treatment of low concentration arrangement odor emission. Advantages: low cost, simple equipment. Disadvantages: under the weather conditions, there are still odor substances.
Correct selection of process gas in PP purification tower
3 # 3,尾气处理办法热焚烧法和催化焚烧法
3 × 3. Tail gas treatment methods: heat incineration and catalytic incineration
Criteria: high temperature gas odorous substance mixture, reaching the application scope of complete incineration: suitable for the concentration and small volume of high combustible gas. Advantages: high purification power, odor substances are completely oxidized and differentiated. Bad places: simple corrosion of equipment, consumption of fuel, high cost of treatment, simple secondary pollution.
4. Four water absorption methods of desulfurization PP purification tower
原理:运用某些物质的气味很简略溶于水,使气味成分直触摸摸水、除和溶解在水中。适用范围:水溶性、安排恶臭气体排放源。长处:简略的技能,便利办理,设备运转成本低发生二次污染,需求处理清洗液体。缺点:净化功率低,应结合技能,硫醇,脂肪(fat)酸,如处理效果很差。五,五液体吸收尾气处理办法的原理:运用某些物质在化学反应(Chemical reaction)的气体和液体***征(character)诱导一些去除气味。适用范围:适用于处理***体积,高浓度的臭氧(Oxygen)。长处:能够处理一些有针对性的气味成分,技能老练。缺点:净化功率不高,消费(consumption)吸收剂,简略构成和二次污染。
Principle: the smell of some substances is very simple and slightly soluble in water, so that the odor components touch, touch and dissolve in water directly. Scope of application: water solubility, arrangement of odor emission sources. Advantages: simple skills, convenient handling, low equipment operation cost, secondary pollution, need to deal with cleaning liquid. Disadvantages: low purification power, should be combined with skills, mercaptan, fatty acid (fat), such as poor treatment effect. Five, five principles of liquid absorption tail gas treatment method: use some substances in the chemical reaction of gas and liquid characteristics to induce some odor removal. Scope of application: suitable for the treatment of large volume, high concentration ozone (oxygen). Strengths: able to deal with some targeted odor ingredients, skilled. Disadvantages: low purification power, consumption of absorbent, brief composition and secondary pollution.
6. Tail gas treatment method 6 adsorption method
Principle: use the adsorption function of adsorbent to make the odor substance from gas phase to solid phase. Scope of application: applicable to the purification of low concentration and high gas. Advantages: very high purification power, able to deal with multi-component odor gas. Disadvantages: the new adsorbent is expensive and difficult, and it is requested to deal with the low temperature dust pollution of odor gas.
Correct selection of process gas in PP purification tower
7、尾气(fèi qì)处理九洗刷活污泥法除的办法
7. Treatment of tail gas (f è I Q ì) by nine washing activated sludge
Guidelines: take full touch with the malodorous substance containing suspension mud mixture to remove the malodorous absorbent, hand sanitizer, and then send it to the reactor to suspend the growth of microorganisms to degrade the dissolved malodorous substance metabolism. Scope of application: it has a larger scope of application, can handle a large number of gases, at the same time, the operating conditions are easy to control and the floor area is small. Disadvantages: the cost of equipment is important, messy operation, the need to increase nutrition.




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